Hand in Hand: Ovation’s Volunteer Arm Serves Critical Role

Kavod Connections

For 115 years Hand in Hand has supported Ovation Communities by providing companionship and comfort for residents and staff, and funding essential services and equipment. Over the past year and a half, this group of dedicated volunteers has been more important than ever.

“The relationship we have formed with Hand in Hand, has allowed us to continue to provide residents with the best care and services,” said Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation Vice President of Development, Tanya Mazor-Posner.” In addition to residents, Hand in Hand has also shown an appreciation for our dedicated staff.”

With Ovation’s frontline workers going the extra mile to care for residents throughout the pandemic, Hand in Hand initiated and continues to sponsor a monthly staff luncheon. These grab and go events allow employees to enjoy a catered meal during a busy workday and help boost morale and show appreciation during an especially challenging time.

In addition, a grant from Hand in Hand recently funded the purchase of a Sit to Stand Lift for the organization. The new device allows caregivers to help residents change positions safely and securely. Residents can hold onto handlebars and the lift does all the work. The Sit to Stand assists with essential activities like getting out of bed or up from a chair. Over the years Hand in Hand’s grant program, through the Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation, has ensured residents have access to new technology that enhances their care.

Hand in Hand volunteers continue to focus on lifting spirits and extending friendship throughout the community. To find out more about volunteer opportunities, contact Tanya Mazor-Posner, [email protected]

“Hand in Hand is a very high impact volunteer organization that has been around at the Jewish Home in since its inception in 1906. Over time it has morphed into a group of dedicated people whose purpose is to support Ovation’s staff and residents in a variety of ways.”

–Phil Himmelfarb, Hand in Hand chair