Nita Corré

March 11, 1938 — May 25, 2018
Nita Corré on the phone

In loving memory of Nita, who more than anyone in our 112 year history, took it upon herself to ensure that our mission would continue for generation after generation. She came to the Jewish Home as a volunteer serving tea to residents, and then served as our administrator and then our long-standing President and CEO; a career of love lasting over 40 years!

She led our development of new services and expansion into independent and assisted living communities, all influenced by her heartfelt belief of providing comfort, meaning, independence and dignity to all our older adults. And foreseeing the need for financial security under the stress of continued insufficient government funding of senior services, she established our Foundation and single-handedly developed new resources, inspired by her passion and vision, which continue to provide for a quality Jewish environment for hundreds of older adults, every year, who otherwise may not be able to afford such care. May her memory forever be a blessing. הכרבל הנורכז