Foundation Fiscal Year End Report

Kavod Connections

FISCAL YEAR: JULY 1, 2022 – JUNE 30, 2023

The Foundation ended its year with $176,681,844 in net assets, represented by $99 million in unrestricted funds, $53 million in Board Designated funds for resident financial assistance and future capital expenditures, and $23 million in temporarily restricted funds.

The Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation provided over $8.7 million in grants this year to Ovation Communities for operating cash, capital expenditures to upgrade and improve buildings, educational programming, community outreach efforts, and targeted underwriting of residents’ care, services and activities.

Adult Day Services

Ovation Communities Adult Day Services is supported by the Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation, Inc. and grants from the Milwaukee Jewish Federation and the Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s ELM II Fund.

Intergenerational Programming

The Gene and Ruth Posner and Martin F. Stein Intergenerational Funds of the Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation made a variety of intergenerational interactions possible this year:

175 Volunteers

The Foundation leads a large group of volunteers including Board members, Hand in Hand, volunteers who do hands-on activities with residents, the Teen Ovation Board, Next-Gen Ovation, resident volunteers, staff volunteers, and university student volunteers.

“My relationship with Gerald is a friendship. He is a friend much older than me, but our relationship is no different. I chose to do friendly visits because I thought it would be fun to meet someone at Ovation one-on-one. I learned that anyone can be a friend.”
-Alex Magana, youth volunteer and MJDS student

“I feel honored to spend time with Alex and Matan. I enjoy them learning with me, and they enjoy being with me. I hope this relationship continues in the future.”
-Gerald Gersten, Ovation Chai Point resident and intergenerational visit program participant

“I have enjoyed being here and talking, not only with other volunteers, but with residents as well. To hear stories and learn how people are connected is really special and makes it an encouraging place for me to volunteer.”
-Joan Rosenau, friendly visitor, gift shop volunteer and volunteer for various Jewish Home activities